Simple DND Feedback

 [The people who played m map was Jeff Hanigan (rouge), me (warrior), and Patrick Williams (ranger).]


What went wrong:

            When starting to play my DND map we came to a bunch of technical difficulties. Most of them was my fault for the enemy not having the stats they were given. Because of that my playtest started a late. The other problem was the movement. We were discussing if the player movement should be 5 squares straight or 5 squares in which every direction. After all the discussion they started to play the beginning part of my map where all the players start at the top left. However due to having to go through the other players maps my time was up and I did not get much feedback as I thought I would. I would like to get some feedback on the middle sections on my map as well as the boss enemy (just as an edit the spider to the bottom right of the map was the boss and it was a bit bigger during the playtest).

What went right:

            What went right about my map was the tutorial. After putting the stats of the enemies on the first thing they did was trying to fight an enemy and as well where to place themselves to attack. However, due to time constraint and some error on my part we didn’t go though the whole map as planned.

Was the critical path obvious?

            Now when I take another look at it not really. The intended path was from going thought the top left to the bottom right. Now I see that the final area was not really flourished as I thought. What I can do now is block the outer areas off and make boxed area for the boss fight. With that change the players will know that is a target area to go and fight the boss.

Was it obvious where players were supposed to go?

            My intended vision of the map was this. The players will start at the top left of the map then have the player be given a choice to continue to the right of the map or decide to go down to the boss area at the bottom right of the map. Before we switched the playtest maps the play testers did get to the point of deciding where to go, they chose differently one went right the other continued down.

 Were all rule mechanics taught to the players in an appropriate way?

            For the movement and attack we all started to get it the thing is I and the whole group were still new to DND, so the mechanics needed to be a bit refreshed in my mind. As what I have for the playtest at the start the players did understand how to attack however the movement, we had a discussion on and decided to move 5 squares in any direction. With that established we knew the movement. However due to lack of time I did not get more than that.
