SimpleDND Ver.3 Feedback #3
The DnD Map
The only person that played was Patrick Williams. Jeff wasn't here.
What when right about the map:
The thing that went right about my map was the hub system, the aesthetic of the map, and the path of the map. As for following the new rules and direction that we were given for this map I am pretty sure I nailed it on the head. For the reference pictures, number three was for the start of the level in which the player will start in a jail facility and they have to break out.. For number 2 the road is for the first thing the player will see when they break out. for number 3 the train station I wanted that to be an escape area but there will be a boss that will block it. for the hub system the player can control and edit the player when they attack or been attack. as i stated for the reference images the path is very noticeable and easy to under stand for the players. They break out of prison, they get on the road, and they get on the train to escape.
What went wrong with the map:
The problems with the map entirely was the enemies, the RNG and one item. For the enemies the attack for the enemies was ok but the boss I had never seen it in action with other players. The real problem is with the RNG and the defense for the enemies. as observing the playtest the player was having much difficulty for the enemies especially one in that time the rolls were not going his way and then the player was in a stand still. then slowly the enemy were him down and died with out the enemy taking damage. The original defense was 8 and during the playtest I half it. I let him try it again but it was a stand still there because his luck was not that good. For what I needed to do now is make the enemies easier than that. now for the one item the google was not implemented well I forgot about the dark area. There is no dark area so during the playtest I change that item.
How will you Improve your map:
If I was given another chance to edit the map the following changes will be made. the enemies will be tweak to the point that it will be easy to defeat by the players. The attack and defense will be slightly reduced. The one item will be change and place back into the areas as before. with theses changes i would have tested again to see if the changes worked or not.
How was the Overall Flow of the game:
As stated from the problem with the map the enemies were hard to defeat. the player did not have a fun time trying to fight the enemies. The difficult was to hard for the player to defeat and then the player gave up. As well due to his Luck on his rolls he did not make it out of the main prison area. with that he was stuck.
Were all rule mechanics taught to the players in an appropriate way:
As for knowing how to attack and defeat enemies yes it was taught. The problem here was it was very attacking. they know how to attack but the difficulty made it so the thing they learned had no reward what so ever. it is like what they learned is not enough. the way to win was having decent luck on ones rolls. with good rolls one can win with bad rolls they end in defeat. As well the enemies defense did not help in killing enemies. It was an obstacle that can't be passed.
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