2D Mega Man Level Ver.1 Feedback
Game Level: Old Mesa Mine
- Micha (Classmate)
- Hudson (Classmate)
- Vivian (Classmate)
- Marcus (Classmate)
What went wrong:
From what I got from the playtests the transitions from the 3rd section of my level was in a bad location. When the transition before the fireball location happens a shooting enemy spawns in and the enemy can shoot the player back and does the transition again and that causes the enemy to respawn at full health again. The other problem is that in the third section of the level people found it tedious killing the charge blast definable enemies every time they died. they find it tedious and not fun to play in that section. the other problem is that some enemies respawn badly in the second section of the level. The other thing is that there should be a check point or more health that should be in the second section which got rid of the the original fix. I should not have fixed it. Some testers want more for the first section even thought it is short. there want al least one more enemy. The platforming section some people found it hard.
What went right:
What went right is that the new section where there is another mine entrance the fire ball platform area many people liked. most enjoyed that the difficulty has been tweaked up. As like the the other playtest the game mechanics were taught successfully. All of the players know how to shoot, charge blast, jump, and slide. For the fire balls in the third section most like the gimmick of that part but other thinks it was very hard.
What can I improve on my level next time:
What can I do for the next revision is toned down the third section in difficulty since some people had some problem and that this level should be a beginner level and should not give player a lot of trouble. Another fix that I have to do is that I have to move enemies so they don't respawn back in the player's face. The last fix is that the transition in section three since that part lead to the respawn of the enemy pushing the player back and having that enemy be a problem.
Were the challenges presented appropriate to the skill level of the player?
For a tutorial level it went off perfectly. Mostly every player got to understand the game mechanic and understand what to do. Some people say it is to easy or good enough difficulty for the level. However the problem in section 3 is that few people found it difficult to the jumps and the fire balls can be bothersome.
Was the critical path obvious? / Was it obvious where players were supposed to go?
For how the players go through the level they do know where the path of the level. They know where to go from the start and to the end. However the beginning of the 3 part people though they can go right but you have to go left so the fix here is to make a block off.
How was the overall flow?
The overall flow of the level is going slightly to less challenging and the ability of the player is high which is on the edge of boredom and fun. the reason I say this is because the problems with the level have to deal with the challenge being to low but having players still have fun with it.
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